
Discipline In All Areas

The way the market has been lately can test many of us psychologically and even physically, leaving us exhausted and stressed at the end of the day. This week we want to take some time away from the charts and focus on something many traders tend to neglect —  ourselves as people.

Balance is key when it comes to performing at optimum levels as a trader. If your goal is to become the best trader you can be, then the information below should be seen as pieces of a larger puzzle that should not be ignored.


Proper Nutrition

We’re sure many of you have heard of traders that sit at their desk all day looking at charts and eating junk food. If this is you, know that you’re not alone, but also recognize that this could be very detrimental to your trading. We like to focus on proper nutrition and foods that will give us the natural energy needed to fuel our bodies throughout the day. This means no fast food and no sugary drinks. Water is your number one friend if you’re thirsty and home-cooked meals that have the least amount of processed ingredients are paramount. If you don’t have the time to cook for yourself, we recommend you find yourself a supplement that meets your body’s nutritional needs. We drink green juice every morning (Chandler getting his glass below), and feel the difference in our bodies. There are many different supplement brands out there, find the one that works best for you.


Chandler’s Green Juice



One thing that we swear by, is working out in some way. Your body is your temple and keeping it in tip-top shape is very important. Whether you hit the weights (Taylor’s morning workout below), practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or just go for a leisurely stroll every day, getting some physical activity in daily will bring you health benefits. The benefits can include: reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, reduced risk of high blood pressure, stronger bones and muscles, etc. This also does two things that are extremely beneficial to traders: 1) reduce stress 2) increase mental clarity. A less-stressed trader can execute trades with unrivaled focus. We’re all about focus.


Taylor Deadlifting


Proper Rest and Sleep

Trading is mentally taxing to say the least and if you’re doing some exercise to go along with it, then you need to let both your body and mind rest. When we don’t get enough rest, we feel a lack of focus and energy and no one wants to be sitting at the charts with no energy and a foggy mind. That is a recipe for disaster. We recommend getting a good 7-8 hours of sleep, and taking some breaks from the desk when you feel the need. Blue light glasses are also something worth looking into, especially if you sit at your workstation the majority of the day.


Work-Life Balance

Last but definitely not least is “work hard, play hard.” If you are doing your best day-in and day-out to be in the best physical/mental state so your trading improves, then you deserve to spend some time doing the things you enjoy. We like to dabble in some healthy escapism by watching some basketball, playing some video games every once in a while, or just going on drives. Whatever gets your mind off of the everyday “noise” and leaves you with a fresh mindset is worth doing. Spending time with your loved ones is highly recommended, too.

“As within, so without”

― Hermes Trismegistus

Always remember, your outer circumstances will always reflect your inner state. Take care of yourself and the benefits will spill over into other areas of your life. Trading included. Happy Tuesday everyone.

Stay Focused!