
Options Trading: Follow the Squeezes

Good morning, traders! I won’t be able to go live for morning prep this morning, so I figured I’d put together a quick video to cover a few things I’ll be watching here today. I will see you all Friday morning at 9:00am est as always!

Options Trading: Why I Got Short

Happy Sunday, traders! I went short the $SPX last week, and I wanted to discuss the “warning signs” that I’ve been seeing in today’s video. We’ve been waiting on this daily squeeze to release energy for over a month, and based on the distribution across many sectors, I believe it will release that energy to the downside over the next few weeks. Let’s take a look! ???? *by the way: we’ve got a new mic on the way this week, so audio quality should get even better moving forward!

Options Trading: Ready For a Pullback?

Though tech stocks lead the way this week, the distribution across other sectors is putting some downward pressure on the $SPY daily squeeze. Here’s a look at the short position I took this week, and the level of support I’ll be targeting on the downside ????

Options Trading: Squeezes on Squeezes

Taking a look at the Daily Structures of SPY and QQQ and keeping an eye on their squeezes, also looking for tech to move with the SPY into the 2+ATR range. We also touch on some of our current setups like: GOOGL, FB, CAT, and MMM.