
Options Trading: Earnings Boom or Bust

Tech stocks have been leading the way on this recent rally, and next week they will finally start releasing their quarterly earnings results. Will earnings add fuel to the fire, or will the party end shortly? That’s the big question! Let’s take a look at tech, a few trades from this week, along with a few setups that are catching my eye right now.

Stay Focused!

Next Tradable Dip?

Check out this week’s video to find out which sectors held up this week, who got crushed, and what still looks promising. The technology sector has been leading the markets higher to new all-time highs this week and ended the week slightly lower, signaling for a potential flush down to the 21 exponential moving average. Is there more downside to come?

Options Trading: Exhaustion Kicks In

The market is ripping to all time highs with exhaustion levels starting to kick in. Be prepared for a potential reversion to the mean and understand how to trade the market differently during signs of upside technical exhaustion. Ask yourself, are we seeing true selling or true rotation?

Options Trading: Managing Losing Trades

Trades coming against you is part of this game, but how you manage those situations is what separates the pro’s from the rest! Position sizing, time, and mindset are all things we have control of as traders. Whether or not you use those to your advantage or disadvantage is up to you! ????