
Options Trading: Is the Uptrend Over?

Despite the volatility in the markets, I am still looking to buy the dip (for now), though patience will certainly be required. Let’s take a look at our open positions as well as the semi’s, which are currently setting up in a fresh daily squeeze.

Options Trading: Market Looking Vulnerable

Hope everyone is surviving this volatility! In this video, I want to breakdown the three major indexes and share my bigger picture thoughts in these critical and volatile points of the market. With VIX so high and news released daily, it’s especially important to be prepared and see what is possible.

Options Trading Mid-Week Update: Turkey Week

Happy Wednesday, traders! In this video, we’ll dive into the overall market and what we think could happen in the next two weeks. Most importantly, the S&P 500 (ES) had a reversion to the mean recently after sitting at all-time highs. Remember, the market will be closed for Thanksgiving day and open for a half day on Friday. We hope you all have a great Thanksgiving spent with family and friends, and we’ll see you back here next week!