
Options Trading Mid-Week Update: Market Mad at Fed?

The market has been “mad” at the Federal Reserve since the January 5th FOMC announcement saying, “it may become warranted to increase the federal funds rate sooner or at a faster pace than participants had earlier anticipated”. The market has been selling off ever since and closed at the weekly 21 exponential moving average (EMA) for the first time this year. We can use this as a compass for the rest of the week to see if the market will trade below the weekly mean and turn vulnerable.

My FAVORITE Swing Trading Indicators

These are my favorite free & premium indicators, and the only tools I rely on! Let’s take a deep-dive into the moving averages, keltner channels, 10x bars, and the rest of the indicators you see on my charts.


– 8 & 21 Period EMA’s (weekly and daily)

– Squeeze Pro Indicator:

– Keltner Channels

– Stacked EMA’s label (5, 8, 21, 34, 55, 89 EMAs stacked on top of each other)

– 10x Bar Labels:

– Multi Squeeze Labels:

– B3 Buy Signals