
Bigger Picture ‘Pieces of the Puzzle’


The short squeeze theme continues.

We’ll review the “pieces of the puzzle” that we’ll use as an indication of a major trend change.

The Volatility Index (VIX) appears bullish. As long as the Volatility Index (VIX) is above the rising daily 21 exponential moving average (EMA), is in a daily squeeze, and has daily and 4-hour Big 3 buy signals, the market is in trouble.

The next piece of the puzzle, the U.S. Dollar Index (DXY), has a squeeze, is above its daily 21 EMA, and is also looking bullish (also a problem for the market).

HYG (junk bonds) also hasn’t changed as price is below the falling daily 21 EMA with Big 3 sell signals across the board.

In the video above, we’ll review the bigger picture structure on the SPX, break down the individual sectors, and list our current open positions on AAPL, WMT, and LNG in the Compounding Growth Mastery.

Stay Focused!