

$GOOGL Gearing Up?

June 17, 2024

After catching the move in $NFLX last week, I’m seeing a few similarities in the $GOOGL setup. Let’s jump in and take a look. Stay Focused, Taylor Horton PS: I’ll break down how I trade these A+ Squeeze setups in … Read more

Eyeing $GOOGL

June 14, 2024

Heading into next week, $GOOGL is printing Big 3 Squeezes across multiple timeframes. Should these become A+ setups, it could make for a move similar to the one we caught in $NFLX today. Let’s take a look…   Click on … Read more

20 A+ Trades in a Row = Here’s the Results

June 10, 2024

After finalizing updates to the Big 3 Squeeze system, I set the goal of taking nothing but A+ setups for 20 trades in a row… Here are the results so far.   Stay Focused, Taylor Horton    

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