

Finding a Happy Balance

March 17, 2021

To say this week has felt like watching paint dry would be an understatement! As we covered in Sunday’s newsletter, quarterly expiration week tends to be a choppy one, and this week isn’t turning out to be any different.   In … Read more

Taking What the Market Has to Offer

March 14, 2021

A good basketball player has the skill set to do many things, but the discipline and flexibility to take what the defense is giving them. As traders, we must approach this game with the same mindset. We want to develop … Read more

RTM and Profitability in Any Environment

March 5, 2021

What a wild week for the market it has been! The selloff in tech continued (in an ugly fashion), while other sectors like energy and the financials saw enough strength on rotation to keep the $SPY from flushing like $QQQ. … Read more

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