

Setting Up To ‘Buy The Dip?’

April 19, 2021

  With the market super strong, but also very technically extended, we need to take it day-by-day. Right now we are focusing on the 1-hour cloud to start a reversal, and the 4-hour cloud is our first target. If we … Read more

Rinse ‘n’ Repeat in the Chop

March 21, 2021

As a new week approaches, I am certainly excited that quarterly expiration week is done and over with. Like it tends to be, last week was nothing but chop, and the iron condor we opened on Monday was perfect for … Read more

The Right Trade for the Environment

March 19, 2021

Quarterly expiration week is finally over! As it tends to, this week was nothing but a total chop fest of ups and downs that ultimately brought the market nowhere. For those unwilling to resist the temptation to chase directional trades, … Read more

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