

Big Market Events Coming To an End, Now What?

September 16, 2021

  Coming into this week, we’re continuing to focus on the upcoming events in the overall market on Friday, Sept. 17: quad-witching, options expiration date, and S&P indexes rebalances. Since the SPX roll event began last week, the market has … Read more

SPX Roll, Quad-Witching, Rebalancing…

September 14, 2021

  Before we dive into our Focused List, it’s important to review the events that can impact the overall market this week. If we understand the events coming up and how they may affect market moves, we can have a … Read more

Let VIX Pave the Way

September 12, 2021

  This week we’ll be focusing on the volatility index (VIX) as a key chart to watch. Generally, if the VIX pumps higher, we should see the market move to the downside. We typically see the VIX boost into the … Read more

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