

Daily Cloud, We Meet Again

September 21, 2021

  The market is heatin’ up to start the week! We’re seeing the exact scenario we’ve been preparing for with the market plummeting to the downside. We want to keep our focus on two major indicators: the 50 simple moving … Read more

Wait For Wind At Your Back

September 19, 2021

  As we start to build our watchlist for the week, we need to be aware that there are times in the market to be more active and times to simply ‘sit on your hands’. There are multiple names presenting … Read more

Do NOT Buy Dip Without This Confirmation

September 17, 2021

  In a market that has spent the last one to two years breeding a ‘buy the dip’ mentality, it is important to have a set of rules to follow before blindly jumping into the upside.  One of our biggest … Read more

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