
Options Trading: Managing Losing Trades

Trades coming against you is part of this game, but how you manage those situations is what separates the pro’s from the rest! Position sizing, time, and mindset are all things we have control of as traders. Whether or not you use those to your advantage or disadvantage is up to you! ????

Options Trading: Follow the Squeezes

Good morning, traders! I won’t be able to go live for morning prep this morning, so I figured I’d put together a quick video to cover a few things I’ll be watching here today. I will see you all Friday morning at 9:00am est as always!

Options Trading: Why I Got Short

Happy Sunday, traders! I went short the $SPX last week, and I wanted to discuss the “warning signs” that I’ve been seeing in today’s video. We’ve been waiting on this daily squeeze to release energy for over a month, and based on the distribution across many sectors, I believe it will release that energy to the downside over the next few weeks. Let’s take a look! ???? *by the way: we’ve got a new mic on the way this week, so audio quality should get even better moving forward!

Options Trading: Ready For a Pullback?

Though tech stocks lead the way this week, the distribution across other sectors is putting some downward pressure on the $SPY daily squeeze. Here’s a look at the short position I took this week, and the level of support I’ll be targeting on the downside ????